Pass one: Forward roll, straddle roll to stand. Forward roll, pike sit, to lay flat. Bridge, hold for 2 seconds, Lay flat
Pass two: Candlestick to squat, forward roll to stand. Cartwheel, turn, run jump roll.
Level 1:
Pass one: Pike forward roll, straddle roll, forward roll. Cartwheel.
Pass two: Pike forward roll, pike sit, lay flat, Bridge holding one leg up (3 sec), lay flat, candlestick to straddle roll stand up. Cartwheel.
Pass three: Back roll, run cartwheel
Level 1.5:
Pass one: Pike forward roll,straddle roll, stand. Cartwheel, turn, chasse cartwheel.
Pass two: Pike forward roll, straddle roll, pike sit. Bridge up holding one leg up (3 seconds), lay flat. Candlestick to stand. Bad Side cartwheel, back pike roll.
Pass three: Handstand, run one hand cartwheel
Level 2:
Pass one: Cartwheel, turn, Chasse cartwheel. Back pike roll, straddle through to back roll.
Pass two: Handstand roll, straddle roll, stand. Handstand to bridge, inside out, stand.
Pass three: Handstand, chasse one handed cartwheel, turn, chasse round off
Level 3:
Pass one: Chasse Roundoff hop turn one handed cartwheel. Handstand, straddle through to a back pike roll
Pass two: Handstand ½ pirouette pike down, step out backbend kick over, tuck jump, front limber, switch leg cartwheel
Pass three: Run roundoff rebound turn 1 – handed cartwheel step together, back pike roll.
Level 4:
Pass one: Handstand roll, dive roll, front walkover, straddle up to handstand roll, handstand ½ pirouette.
Pass two: Tuck to handstand roll, straddle roll to knee, knee turn, pop up to pike, back extension roll, back walkover.
Pass three: Chasse roundoff, hop turn, front walkover
Level 5:
Pass one: Switch leg front walkover, cartwheel swing through, back walkover switch leg, back extension step out.
Pass two: Handstand ½ pirouette pick down, back pike roll straddle through to back extension bike pike roll. Back arabian
Pass three: Run front handspring
Level 6:
Pass one: Tuck up to handstand roll, straddle up to handstand roll to a squat, Pike headspring. Handstand full pirouette, cartwheel back handspring
Pass two: Switch leg front walkover, chasse one handed front walkover, drive roll
Pass three: Handstand full pirouette roll out, chasse round off back handspring step out.
Level 7:
Pass one: Power hurdle front walkover, round-off back handspring. Back walkover, back handspring.
Pass two: Front walkover to valdez sit, nip up, chasse front walkover, step hop front handspring.
Pass three: 1 ½ pirouette roll to stomach, pike to headstand, tuck pop up to walk out, step hop back handspring, back handspring step out.
Level 8:
Pass one: Chasse round-off back handspring back tuck . ½ twisting dive roll step out cartwheel back handspring step out.
Pass Two: Front walkover to handstand ½ pirouette straddle down to back extension roll ½ pirouette step out back handspring step out.
Pass three: 1 ½ pirouette roll out, tuck jump half turn, chasse cartwheel back tuck
Level 9:
Pass one: Cartwheel back handspring back tuck, straddle handstand ½ pirouette roll out, step hop aerial.
Pass two: One handed front walkover, Kangaroo front walkover, round off back handspring step out. Back walkover swing through to splits. Bring legs together and nip up.
Pass three: Cartwheel swing foot through to back walkover step out back handspring, back handspring back tuck
Level 10:
Pass one: Power hurdle round off back handspring layout. back walkover hold pike down to Back extension step out back tuck.
Pass two: 5 handstand walks roll out, front walkover, step hop aerial, Back walkover back handspring step out.
Pass three: Standing back tuck, run front aerial.
Power Tumbling
Level 1:
Run, round off, back handspring, rebound.
Power hurdle, round off, back handspring, rebound.
Run, front walkover, round off, back handspring, rebound.
Level 2:
Run, round off, 3 back handsprings, rebound.
Power hurdle, round off 3 back handsprings, rebound.
Level 3:
Run, front walkover, round off 2 back handsprings rebound.
Run, round off 4 back handsprings, rebound.
Level 4:
Power hurdle, round off 4 back handsprings, rebound
Run, front walkover, round off 4 back handsprings, rebound.
Level 5:
Run, round off, back handspring, back tuck.
Power hurdle, round off back handspring, back tuck.
Level 6:
Run, front walkover, round off back handspring, back tuck.
Run, round off 2 back handsprings, back tuck.
Level 7:
Power hurdle, round off, 2 back handsprings, back tuck.
Run, front walkover, round off, 2 back handspring, back tuck.
Level 8:
Run, round off 3 back handsprings, back tuck.
Power hurdle, round off, 3 back handsprings, back tuck.
Level 9:
Run, front walkover, round off, 3 back handsprings, back tuck.
Run, round off, back handspring layout.
Level 10:
Power hurdle, round off, back handspring, layout.
Run, front walkover, round off, back handspring, layout.
Mini Trampoline
Level 1:
Pass one: Straight Jump
Pass two: Tuck Jump
Level 2
Pass one: Straddle Jump
Pass two: Jump Half Twist
Level 3
Pass one: Dive roll
Pass two: Front handspring
Level 4
Pass one: Fly Spring
Pass two: Front tuck
Level 5
Pass one: Front Layout
Pass two: Barani
Level 6
Pass one: Optionals
Pass two: Optionals
Optional Skills: Front Tuck, Front Pike, Tuck Barani, Pike Barani, Straight Barani, Front Half, Front Full, Round off Back Tuck, Round off Back Layout, Round off Back Half, Round off Back Full